About the
The Segoia Association is a NGO involved in social change and urban development. Their app, “Panoul de Bord” was launched with the purpose of facilitating easier communication between the community and the local institutions.
Through the app you could notify the relevant authorities of problems relating to local infrastructure, green areas, utilities etc. and track the response and intervention time in fixing these issues.
The NGO contacted TECHTONIKA Media to further develop the app though a better user experience, easier navigation and an overall friendlier design of the interface. We were also charged with updating the NGOs overall visuals and website.
- Vezi proiectul
The Panoul de Bord app has a complex structure to accommodate different types of inquiries and notifications. The original app received user feedback that it was tricky to navigate and the usability was not very straightforward.
Our first step was to wireframe a new structure for the app, in order to streamline the notification process and eliminate unnecessary steps and detours.
We kept most of the original color scheme of the app, but updated it to a more modern feel, outlining actionable elements and steps. This visual solution also transpired into the app’s new website design as well.
Our Design Solution
Both the app and the website are essential tools which make notifications about socially relevant issues significantly easier. TECHTONIKA Media in partnership with the Segoia team, built a solution that was modern but also added a “innovative” and “tech” feeling to the mix. To further enhance that idea, we used a blue and teal color palette.
We used Lato as our primary typeface and also employed extensive use of icons and graphics to make navigating the notification process easier.
Color #1
Color #2
Color #3
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- App Feature Icon
- Scan Code
- Contacts
- New features
- Account settings
- Town Selection
- County Selection
- Transport Preferences
- Submit Complaint

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– Lora Rivera, Author of the Rangers of the Rift